Connector for MicroController
ESP32-C3-Super Mini or Arduino Pro Mini (depends on version)
Hotspot | Function | Description |
1 | ESP32-C3-SuperMini or Arduino Pro Mini | ESP32-C3-SuperMini or Arduino Pro Mini Connector, depending on the version of your board. |
Use serial terminal to connect via USB (see above) to AstroCAN-Module. If your browser supports “Web Serial”, you also can use the terminal available in the Firmware section. Communication speed ist 115200 baud. The following commands are available for configuration and management:
Command | Parameters | Description | Example |
/HELP | – | shows usage | /HELP |
/SETTINGS | – | shows all settings stored in EEPROM | /SETTINGS |
/WIFIAPSSID | AP SSID | sets the access point SSID | /WIFIAPSSID R2TOCH |
/WIFIAPPASSWORD | AP Password | sets the access point password | /WIFIAPPASSWORD R2TOUCH123 |
/WIFIPASSWORD | WIFI Password | sets the WLAN Password | //WIFIPASSWORD HOMELAN123 |
/PAIR | – | auto pair module with ESP-NOW peer (connect both modules to CAN for pairing) | /PAIR |
/NOWLMK | 16 byte key | sets the local master key for ESP-NOW communication. See -> ESP-NOW encryption for details. | /NOWLMK 0123456789ABCDEF |
/NOWPMK | 16 byte key | sets the primary master key for ESP-NOW communication. See -> ESP-NOW encryption for details. | /NOWPMK 0123456789ABCDEF |
/NOWCHANNEL | Channel | sets the ESP-NOW channel number | /NOWCHANNEL 5 |
/NOWSETPEER | MAC Address in xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx format | set ESP-NOW communication peer MAC address | /NOWSETPEER 01:23:45:67:89:AB |
/NOWCLEARPEERS | – | clear all ESP-NOW communication peers | /NOWCLEARPEERS |
/NOWLISTPEERS | – | list all ESP-NOW communication peers | /NOWLISTPEERS |
/RESTART | – | restart module | /RESTART |
/FACTORY | – | set factory settings and restart module. All EEPROM settings will also be set to default. | /FACTORY |
/ACTIVATE | CAN|CAN1|CAN2|NOW|WIFI|ENC | acticate CAN-/NOW-/WIFI-Functionality or ESP-NOW encryption. CAN1/CAN2 only available on Dual-CAN-Boards. | /ACTIVATE CAN |
/DEACTIVATE | CAN|CAN1|CAN2|NOW|WIFI|ENC | deacticate CAN-/NOW-/WIFI-Functionality or ESP-NOW encryption. CAN1/CAN2 only available on Dual-CAN-Boards. | /DEACTIVATE CAN |
/ANIMATION | number | set animation type | /ANIMATION 4 |
/SPEED | milliseconds | set animation speed (not persistent!) | /SPEED 100 |
/BRIGHTNESS | 0-255 | set global brightness | /BRIGHTNESS 35 |
/RNDBRIGHTNESS | 0|1 | (de)activate random pixel brightness. Each pixel has individual brightness if active | /RNDBRIGHTNESS 1 |
/COLOR | colorname | set base color, valid color names: blue red yellow green purple pink cyan orange lime magenta white random | /COLOR blue |
/COLORRGB | R(0-255) G(0-255 B(0-255) | set base color as RGB value | /COLOR 0 0 255 |
/MINLEDS | 0-255 | minimum number of active LEDs | /MINLEDS 10 |
/MAXLEDS | 0-255 | maximum number of active LEDs | /MAXLEDS 80 |
/SPARKS | 0-255 | fire effect sparks parameter | /SPAKRS 40 |
/COOL | 0-255 | fire effect cool parameter | /COOL 50 |
Use serial terminal to connect via USB (see above) to AstroCAN-Module. Communication speed ist 115200 baud. The following settings can be configured (see command set above):
Setting | Description | Example | Config Command |
MAC | MAC Address of ESP32 | 12:34:56:78:9A:BC | fix, not configurable |
AP_SSID | Name of the access point network, the AstroCAN module opens up to get connected by apps like R2-Touch | R2TOUCH | /WIFIAPSSID |
AP_Password | Password of the Access point network. | R2TOUCH123 | /WIFIAPPASSWORD |
WLAN_SSID | Name of the WLAN the AstroCAN module can connect to, to be controlled by other systems within that network | HOMELAN | /WIFISSID |
WLAN_Password | Password of the WLAN the AstroCAN module can connect to. | HOMELAN123 | /WIFIPASSWORD |
NOW_PMK | ESP-NOW encryption parameter: Primary Master Key. See -> ESP-NOW encryption for details.
Only change, if you exactly know, what you are doing! | 0123456789ABCDEF | /NOWPMK |
NOW_LMK | ESP-NOW encryption parameter: Local Master Key. See -> ESP-NOW encryption for details.
Only change, if you exactly know, what you are doing! | 0123456789ABCDEF | /NOWLMK |
NOW_Channel | WIFI channel to be used for ESP-NOW communication. All ESP-NOW peers have to communicate over the same channel number | 5 | /NOWCHANNEL |
CAN1_Active | Shows, if main CAN bus is active | true – activated false – deactivated | /ACTIVATE CAN /ACTIVATE CAN1 /DEACTIVATE CAN |
CAN2_Active | Shows, if secondary CAN bus is active | true – activated false – deactivated | /ACTIVATE CAN2 /DEACTIVATE CAN2 |
NOW_Active | Shows, if ESP-NOW is active | true – activated false – deactivated | /ACTIVATE NOW /DEACTIVATE NOW |
WIFI_Active | Shows, if WIFI is active | true – activated false – deactivated | /ACTIVATE WIFI /DEACTIVATE WIFI or WIFI jumper |
NOW_Encryption | Shows, if ESP-NOW encryption is active. See -> ESP-NOW encryption for details. | true – activated false – deactivated | /ACTIVATE ENC /DEACTIVATE ENC |
Peers | Description | Example | Configuration |
Peer | MAC-Adress of ESP-NOW communication partner, not used in bridge module | 12:34:56:78:9A:BC | /NOWSETPEER |
REAR_ANIM | Current animation type | 1 | /ANIMATION |
REAR_BR | Global display brightness | 35 | /BRIGHTNESS |
REAR_RNDBR | Individual pixel random brightness | true | /RNDBRIGHTNESS |
REAR_R | Base color, red value | 0 | /COLOR or /COLORRGB |
REAR_G | Base color, green value | 0 | /COLOR or /COLORRGB |
REAR_B | Base color, blue value | 255 | /COLOR or /COLORRGB |
REAR_MINLEDS | Minimum number of active LEDs | 10 | /MINLEDS |
REAR_MAXLEDS | Maximum number of active LEDs | 80 | /MAXLEDS |
FIRE_SPARKS | Fire effect sparking parameter value | 50 | /SPARKS |
FIRE_COOL | Fire effekt cooling parameter value | 40 | /COOL |
F.A.Q – AstroCAN BD-1 Logics
What is it?
The AstroCan BD1-Logics board is designed for Michael Baddeleys BD-1. It fits the head and is controlled via a piggyback Arduino Pro mini or via any other microcontroller. It has 251 3535 RGB Leds.
- ESP-NOW Wireless Dome/Head<->Body Comm (serial, Canbus, I2C)
- CAN-Bus ready software for upcoming CAN-enabled Astromech Devices
The ESPNow system is exclusively utilized for connecting the body/head and dome. It efficiently transfers all CAN signals and one serial interface between the dome/head and body through ESPNow.
Nice Effect Settings
Fading Blue
Firmware Installer
To install most recent firmware V1.0.1 connect the AstroCAN module via USB to your computer and click on “Connect” button. If the updater cannot find your module, hold the “Boot”-button while clicking the “Reset” button. The module will change to flash mode then. After flashing the firmware press “Reset” to restart.
Revision History
Version 1.0.1 (03. January 2025)
- Effect fine tuning
- typos
Version 1.0.0 (02. January 2025)
- First official Release